582 Berford Street
Wiarton, ON N0H 2T0
Phone number
Cell/Direct: 519-270-4481
About Me
I became a registered professional REALTOR in 2008 and a BROKER in 2009.
Welcome to my new ‘mobile device compliant’ website “SellingGreyBruce.ca”. My old site is still available to those using a computer and often has more and different photos of my listings. Please check it out as well.
Please take some time to browse and explore it for local information and advice on buying or selling property in the area.
Prior to my career as a real estate Broker, I was a member of the Senior Management Team and a Business Unit Director of a Multinational Manufacturing Company. I am fortunate to bring a number of important skills learned in my past career to this new career. As a professional business woman, I bring proven communication and negotiating skills to the table. With awards for ‘customer service’ from companies such as Sears Canada, GE Appliances and Canadian Tire, I believe I truly understand and have demonstrated my commitment to not only customer service, but to providing ‘customer delight’. I have a strong work ethic and most importantly, I ‘pay attention to detail’.
As a certified Competent Toastmaster (CTM), I can represent your property with skill and confidence.
It is important for you to know that I understand each client has unique needs and that being sensitive and attentive to those needs is my goal. To this end I have successfully completed the ‘Accredited Senior’s Agent’ (ASA) training and now better understand how to take the time to work with and help Seniors (matures) and ‘baby boomers’ in today’s real estate climate.
In looking out for your best interest, know I will achieve fair market value for your property in a reasonable time frame.
This is more than a business transaction to me. I value the relationships I build with my clients and their family. The majority of my business is based on referrals and many of the people I am privileged to call friends today, were first clients.
I service the area I live in, shop in and enjoy year round with friends, family, and associates. South & North Bruce County, North Grey County, the Bruce Peninsula, Georgian Bay, Lake Huron, Wiarton, Owen Sound and the many other picturesque towns and villages.
Remember, if you are looking at ‘buying’ property, I can show you any company’s MLS listed property. As a ‘full time’ real estate Broker, I don’t have to work around a second job schedule, I can set up and show you properties that will work with your busy schedule and not the other way around.
Also, if you are looking to ‘sell’ a property as part of the transaction, you are not just working with me. RE/MAX Grey Bruce Realty Inc., Brokerage, is the largest in the area with representatives in nine offices, and we have the ability to work with virtually anyone around the world (please see ‘about RE/MAX).
About RE/MAX
RE/MAX is who and what you need!
- Every 30 seconds, a RE/MAX agent helps someone find their perfect place.
- RE/MAX: More offices, in more countries, than any other real estate brand.
- With more offices worldwide, RE/MAX serves homebuyers and sellers closer to home.
- RE/MAX offers support and services not available at other real estate companies.
- RE/MAX has helped millions of families buy or sell a home.
- Each year, RE/MAX agents help hundreds of thousands of families buy or sell a home.
- Nobody in the world sells more real estate than RE/MAX.
- RE/MAX agents have the experience to get the job done in today’s market.
- RE/MAX Associates average more sales than other real estate agents.
- RE/MAX Associates have more real estate sales experience than other real estate agents.
- RE/MAX is the most productive real estate network.
- Billions of dollars have been spent promoting the RE/MAX brand and agents.
- RE/MAX is one of the most recognized real estate brands and logos around the world.
- RE/MAX is in more countries than any other real estate brand.
- RE/MAX is in more countries than any of our competitors.
- RE/MAX is in nearly 100 countries, more than any of its competitors.
RE/MAX is Canadian
- Nobody sells more real estate than RE/MAX.
- RE/MAX agents sell more real estate than any other Canadian brand.
- RE/MAX agents have the experience to get the job done in today’s market.
- RE/MAX Associates average more sales than other real estate agents.
- RE/MAX Associates have more real estate sales experience than other real estate agents.
- RE/MAX is the most productive real estate network.
Real Estate Brand Thought of More (Unaided Awareness)
- RE/MAX is the most recognized name in real estate. 1
- RE/MAX: The #1 name in real estate. 1
- #1 in brand awareness. 1
- RE/MAX leads the industry in brand awareness.
1 Source: MMR Strategy Group study of unaided awareness. - More buyers and sellers think of RE/MAX than any other real estate brand. 2
2 Source: MMR Strategy Group study of unaided awareness among buyers, sellers, and those planning to buy or sell; asked, when they think of real estate brands, which ones come to mind?
Real Estate Brand Thought of First (Top of Mind Awareness)
- RE/MAX: First on the minds of buyers and sellers. 3
- When asked to name a real estate brand, RE/MAX is the name people name first. 3
3 Source: MMR Strategy Group study of unaided awareness (first mention recorded). - Buyers and sellers think of RE/MAX first. 4
- RE/MAX is who homebuyers and sellers think of first. 4
4 Source: MMR Strategy Group study of unaided awareness among buyers, sellers, and those planning to buy or sell; asked, when they think of real estate brands, which ones come to mind? (first mention recorded).
Real Estate Brand Most Likely to Be Recommended
- RE/MAX is the real estate brand that the most buyers and sellers would recommend. 5
- More buyers and sellers would recommend RE/MAX than any other real estate brand. 5
5 Source: MMR Strategy Group study of buyers and sellers, asked if there is one real estate brand they would be most likely to recommend to a friend or relative, and if so which one.
Real Estate Brand Recognition (Aided)
- Over 95 percent of homebuyers and sellers know of RE/MAX. 6
6 Source: MMR Strategy Group study of total brand awareness of real estate organizations among buyers, sellers, and those planning to buy or sell.
- Billions of dollars have been spent promoting the RE/MAX brand and agents.
- When you join RE/MAX you’re receiving the benefit of billions of dollars of advertising that have made RE/MAX the real estate leader it is today.
- RE/MAX is in more countries than any other real estate brand.
- RE/MAX is in more countries than any of our competitors.
- RE/MAX is in nearly 100 countries, more than any of its competitors.
Hot Air Balloon
- The RE/MAX Hot Air Balloon fleet is the largest in the world (over 100 balloons).
- The RE/MAX Balloon is recognized all over the world.